Always Great and Awful
It happened. Reality set in. About time too, because I am not sure how much longer I could have waited for the shoe to drop. What I really mean is, I had a day (a couple of days, maybe a week) that I was not able to compartmentalize away. My end of day ritual is to hand my phone to whichever colleague is sitting in the front so they can choose some music and I can stare out the window, processing my day. The half hour or so drive home usually is enough time to lean into my thoughts, then neatly pack up the lingering feelings and leave them in the car. This routine allows me to have my living space to be separate from my work space, despite the fact that my colleagues are also my housemates. This week, though, Wednesday bled into Thursday, that Thursday bled into Friday and I'm just now, after a weekend of aggressive self care, tying last week's loose strings up. Wednesday morning, we had a volunteer and staff meeting in the morning. Our Site Manager, all the volunteers, ...